Bridges of Poplar Creek is a bustling 18-hole golf course owned by the city of Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Between tee times, golf outings, weddings and special events, there is a constant need for keeping the course green and picturesque.
An important aspect of keeping any golf course looking healthy is the effectiveness of their irrigation system and their ability to get water to every green. Pressure booster pumps are used to generate the necessary pressure to send water from one side of the course to the other.
When the booster pumps at Bridges of Poplar Creek started to underperform and wear out, Bill Meyer, Bridges of Poplar Creek Superintendent, knew that the pumps needed to be replaced.
City owned golf courses are unique because projects above a specific threshold need to be posted to contractors by public bid. After the bids for this project were collected, it was announced that Pumpstation Professionals came out with the best proposal.
In addition to keeping the cost of new booster pumps and other replacement parts down, we knew a key aspect of our proposal would be the ability to recondition, not replace, the nearly 20 year old discharge heads and make them serviceable for the lifespan of the new booster pumps.
We installed new column piping, shafting, bearings and pumps onto the existing discharge heads. Even though the discharge heads were nearly 20 years old, we determined them to still be in serviceable condition.
Here is the full spectrum of what we accomplished to hold to our bid:
Pumpstation Professionals was able to bring the Bridges of Poplar Creek pump house back to new condition by replacing the booster pumps and bringing 20-year-old discharge heads back to life. All on-time and within budget.